Drum Experience is out now!
Available on all streaming platforms

Do you have a sense of rhythm?
A book that comes from the study and research that I have undertaken as a percussionist since the beginning of my musical career. A discussion about the problems that arise when it comes to the ‘sense of rhythm’, but also a guide for musicians and non-musicians alike.
Daniele Piu
Buy it now on

The search for a balance between electronic sounds and acoustic dynamics is a challenge that I consider successful. Daniele’s solo solutions are also very interesting, as I said, balanced and measured. Last but not least, his confidence is certainly a further plus point, capable of making this album worthy of a careful and enjoyable listening.
Davide Ferrante – Drum Club Magazine

© 2021 Daniele Piu – All rights reserved.

Daniele Piu
Daniele Piu was born in Sassari on the 5th of November 1989. In 2001 he enrolled at the Music Conservatory “Luigi Canepa” inSassari, in the percussion instruments’ class held by Professor IvanMancinelli. He graduated in July 2010.During these years he has collaborated with; the Sardinian WindOrchestra, the Sardinian little String Orchestra, the Opera Foundation “DeCarolis”, the Symphonic Orchestra of the Conservatory of Sassari, the Trieste Jazz Orchestra, the Saint Cecilia choir Orchestra, the CagliariConservatory Orchestra, the Sassari and Ploaghe Concert Band, the SassariPercussion Ensemble, the Association Space Music, the AssociationTheatre and/or Music.
He has participated in a Jazz Festival, an ancientmusic ensemble, ceremonies and official inaugurations before the President of the Italian Republic. He has collaborated with artists such as: DavidShort, Nanni Moretti, Nicola Piovani, Vincenzo Mazzone, Pinuccio Sciola,Federico Malamann, Joe Perrino, Maria Luisa Congiu, Etnias, MoryThioune, Mor Sow, Fabrizio Vella, Ivan Satta, Pilar Arejo Emanuele Saraand others.He has also participated at various masters with world famouspercussionists and drummers (Peter Sadlo, Steve Smith, DaveWeckl,ElladeBandiniandothers).Hewasmentoredandisstillguided by well-known drummers such as Federico Paulovich and Eugenio Mori.
He works in a recording studio as a percussionist/drummer andmusic arranger at the Soundroom in Alghero.He collaborates with afro ensemble and Senegalese musicians, in particularwith$ Griot Mory Thioune (the percussionist of Zucchero1 and YoussouN’Dour) and Mor Sow in Sardinia and Corsica.Since 2010 he has carried out didactic activities in public schools, musiccolleges and civic schools in the province of Sassari. At the moment heteaches Percussion instruments in the public music school in Alghero. In2013 he became part of the Sardinian group Etnias as a drummer andpercussionist.
He started his career as a producer by opening the studio Isula Records inAlghero in 2014, completing several projects with Sardinian andinternational artists. He is a member of the Electro-funk duo The Encore,who released the single “Fall into The Deep in “in January 2016, led by theRoman manager Alex La Gamba. In March 2017 he became an ambassadorfor Agner Drumsticks and Pasha Cymbals – both well-known brandsIn April 2017 he participated at the festival 1000 Beats in Selinunte, Sicily sharing the stage with well-known artists such as Chris Colemann, JojoMayer, Nerve and other international artists. In August 2017, the new single of the project, The Encore, was released. Inthis single, Neja and
Federico Malaman featured as well. He participated and played at the exhibition Musika in Rome, on the 29th ofSeptember 2017 and 2019, as an endorser for the brands Xdrum and PashaCymbals. In November he started a Masterclass’ tour all over Italy: fromRome (Charleston School, Officine Musicali) through Venice and otherItalian cities. In July he won in Rome the National drummer prize fordrummers “100% Batteristi”.In October 2018 he organized a masterclass in Alghero along with MaxxFurian, Daniele Chiantese and Gabriele Morcavallo, followed by anothermasterclass in 2019 with the world- famous Dom Famularo and thedrummers Corrado Bertonazzi, Gabriele Morcavallo and Massimo Russo.
In 2019 he became endorser of the worldwide known drum’s brand Ludwig the world’s largest drumhead company Remo Inc. He published video sponsored by these companies and the Italian Aramini distribution for the new release of the Colortone drumhead skins.
In the following months he started his tour clinic presenting his book “Doyou have a sense of Rhythm?” from Rome to the main Italian cities.He participated as a judge at the National drum’s competition “Charleston”along with the most important Italian drummers and played at the Nationalmusic exhibition in Chieti “Musica in Fiera”.In December 2019 was released his first track “LIFT” written with theworld famous Kaz Rodriguez. It has been published as well in an article ofthe national magazine accordo.it
The new year 2020 brought him to the Namm in Los Angeles where he had the chance to follow meetings with companies and drummers from all over the world. They planned and organized 2020/2021 events both at a national and international level.
July 2020 composes the song “Charleston” for the national drum contest “Drum Contest Charleston” organized by Gabriele Morcavallo’s “Charleston” school in Rome, being part of the jury together with a nationally and internationally renowned drummer.
On November 5, his first album titled “Drum Experience” is released.
He is Network Manager for the musical instrument company Valmusic for Cymbals Brand Pasha, carrying out events and clinics throughout Italy concerning the promulgation of the culture and study of the musical instrument, taking care of the relationships between the musicians and the brands distributed by the company in question.
He holds the roles of Musical Artistic Director and supervisor of the Drums and Rhythmics laboratories as regards the “Swim’n’swing” project funded by the Sardinia Region for the four-year period 2020/2023, an innovative project
on movement through the relationship between sport and music , an inclusive and social breath between normally gifted and disabled people of different ages and genders.
In January 2023 he was invited as director of the Swim’n’Swing profect to Harvard where the project will be presented and he will play at the University thus starting a collaboration that will often take him to Boston in the future.
Furthermore, from April 2023 he began working with the “NO FACE” record label in Milan, contributing to the production of various national artists.
In march 2024 he becomes an endorser of global Gruv Gear Brand.
My endorsement
The brands that believe in me that I collaborate with